How Much is Safe Cooking with Microwaves
Microwaves are produced inside the oven by an electron tube called a magnetron. The microwaves are reflected within the metal interior of the oven where they are absorbed by food. Microwaves cause water molecules in food to vibrate, producing heat that cooks the food. That's why foods high in water content, like fresh vegetables, can be cooked more quickly than other foods. The microwave energy is changed to heat as it is absorbed by food, and does not make food “radioactive” or "contaminated."
Although heat is produced directly in the food, microwave ovens do not cook food from the "inside out." When thick foods are cooked, the outer layers are heated and cooked primarily by microwaves while the inside is cooked mainly by the conduction of heat from the hot outer layers.
Microwave cooking can be more energy efficient than conventional cooking because foods cook faster and the energy heats only the food, not the whole oven compartment. Microwave cooking does not reduce the nutritional value of foods any more than conventional cooking. In fact, foods cooked in a microwave oven may keep more of their vitamins and minerals, because microwave ovens can cook more quickly and without adding water.
Glass, paper, ceramic, or plastic containers are used in microwave cooking because microwaves pass through these materials. Although such containers can not be heated by microwaves, they can become hot from the heat of the food cooking inside. Some plastic containers should not be used in a microwave oven because they can be melted by the heat of the food inside. Generally, metal pans or aluminum foil should also not be used in a microwave oven, as the microwaves are reflected off these materials causing the food to cook unevenly and possibly damaging the oven. The instructions that come with each microwave oven indicate the kinds of containers to use. They also cover how to test containers to see whether or not they can be used in microwave ovens.
FDA recommends that microwave ovens not be used in home canning. It is believed that neither microwave ovens nor conventional ovens produce or maintain temperatures high enough to kill the harmful bacteria that occur in some foods while canning.
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Friday, November 27, 2015
Silent Killer: Wi-Fi Killing You Or ...
“There are no safe levels of radiation.”
Being able to connect your devices to the internet through a Wi-Fi connection has become a necessity to modern life however, more and more studies are citing the negative impact these signals have on our health.The experiment began as the students realized they had difficulty concentrating in school if they slept near their phones the previous night. The students then decided to test the effects of wi-fi radiation on plants.Six trays of Garden Cress or Lepidium Sativum seeds were placed in a room without radiation and six trays were placed in a room next to two wi-fi routers. Students calculated that the two wi-fi routers gave the same radiation levels as a cell phone.
For 12 days, the students observed, measured, weighed and photographed the results of their seedlings.
They found that the seeds placed near the routers either hadn’t grown or were completely dead, while the seeds in the room with no routers were thriving.
Today, we are exposed to much more radiation than we were even 10 years ago and as more and more wireless gadgets make their way on to the market, our exposure to radiation is only set to grow.
Because wi-fi and cellular signals are relatively new there have been few studies conducted on the long term effects of wireless technology.
Radiation Health Effects
You may have read about a recent case that made the news: A physician noted members of her family experiencing sleep disturbances, heart palpitations, migraines, and general poor health, all starting in the same week.
These electromagnetic radiation based ill health effects continued on and on. After eliminating every other possible cause, she turned off the router and they felt better. Luckily, they were not in an area swamped with EMFs from wireless technologies from nearby homes. Needless to say, the family uses a hard-wired Internet connection and the health problems haven’t come back.
What to do about Wi-Fi Health Dangers
Because these EMFs are designed to flood entire homes and buildings, moving away from them is not an option. While they can be turned off when not in use, or replaced with hardwired connections, there are the neighboring signals to contend with.
SafeSpace products are designed to influence artificial EMFs, restoring coherence and balance to the fields around you by setting up a "corrective resonance." In other words, they alter the EMF, changing it from harmful to harmless.
The SafeSpace Solution for WIFI Health Effects from Routers
Understand what you're exposed to. Pay attention to the technologies you use in your home and office, and the technologies in use around you.
Use SafeSpace’s groundbreaking technologies to escape the side-effects of wireless devices.
Our products interact with—and influence—artificial EMFs, restoring coherence and balance to the fields around you by setting up a "corrective resonance." Result: the dangers of EMFs are neutralized, and the field is harmonized.
SafeSpace Solutions are:
Being able to connect your devices to the internet through a Wi-Fi connection has become a necessity to modern life however, more and more studies are citing the negative impact these signals have on our health.The experiment began as the students realized they had difficulty concentrating in school if they slept near their phones the previous night. The students then decided to test the effects of wi-fi radiation on plants.Six trays of Garden Cress or Lepidium Sativum seeds were placed in a room without radiation and six trays were placed in a room next to two wi-fi routers. Students calculated that the two wi-fi routers gave the same radiation levels as a cell phone.
For 12 days, the students observed, measured, weighed and photographed the results of their seedlings.
They found that the seeds placed near the routers either hadn’t grown or were completely dead, while the seeds in the room with no routers were thriving.
Today, we are exposed to much more radiation than we were even 10 years ago and as more and more wireless gadgets make their way on to the market, our exposure to radiation is only set to grow.
Because wi-fi and cellular signals are relatively new there have been few studies conducted on the long term effects of wireless technology.
Radiation Health Effects
You may have read about a recent case that made the news: A physician noted members of her family experiencing sleep disturbances, heart palpitations, migraines, and general poor health, all starting in the same week.
These electromagnetic radiation based ill health effects continued on and on. After eliminating every other possible cause, she turned off the router and they felt better. Luckily, they were not in an area swamped with EMFs from wireless technologies from nearby homes. Needless to say, the family uses a hard-wired Internet connection and the health problems haven’t come back.
What to do about Wi-Fi Health Dangers
Because these EMFs are designed to flood entire homes and buildings, moving away from them is not an option. While they can be turned off when not in use, or replaced with hardwired connections, there are the neighboring signals to contend with.
SafeSpace products are designed to influence artificial EMFs, restoring coherence and balance to the fields around you by setting up a "corrective resonance." In other words, they alter the EMF, changing it from harmful to harmless.
The SafeSpace Solution for WIFI Health Effects from Routers
Understand what you're exposed to. Pay attention to the technologies you use in your home and office, and the technologies in use around you.
Use SafeSpace’s groundbreaking technologies to escape the side-effects of wireless devices.
Our products interact with—and influence—artificial EMFs, restoring coherence and balance to the fields around you by setting up a "corrective resonance." Result: the dangers of EMFs are neutralized, and the field is harmonized.
SafeSpace Solutions are:
- Fast and simple to use
- Affordable
- Proven effective in independent EMF laboratory studies.
Monday, November 23, 2015
Sweet Poison: 5 Things you should know about sugar
You add it to your morning cup of coffee or tea. You bake it into pastries, cakes, and cookies. You even sprinkle it all over your breakfast cereal or your oatmeal for added "flavor."
But that's not all. It's also hidden in some beloved "treats" that people consume on a daily basis, such as sodas, fruit juices, candies, and ice cream. It also lurks in almost all processed foods, including breads, meats, and even your favorite condiments like Worcestershire sauce and ketchup.
It's none other than sugar. Most people view sugary foods as tasty, satisfying, and irresistible treats. But I believe that there are three words that can more accurately describe sugar: toxic, addicting, and deadly.
Sugar, in my opinion, is one of the most damaging substances that you can ingest – and what's terrifying about it is that it's just so abundant in our everyday diet. This intense addiction to sugar is becoming rampant, not just among adults, but in children as well.
Effects of Consuming Too Much Sugar
1. Sugar causes blood glucose to spike and plummet
Unstable blood sugar often leads to mood swings, fatigue, headaches and cravings for more sugar. Cravings set the stage for a cycle of addiction in which every new hit of sugar makes you feel better temporarily but, a few hours later, results in more cravings and hunger. On the flip side, those who avoid sugar often report having little or no cravings for sugary things and feeling emotionally balanced and energized.
2.Sugar interferes with immune function
Research on human subjects is scant, but animal studies have shown that sugar suppresses immune response5. More research is needed to understand the exact mechanisms; however, we do know that bacteria and yeast feed on sugar and that, when these organisms get out of balance in the body, infections and illness are more likely.
3.Sugar increases stress
When we're under stress, our stress hormone levels rise; these chemicals are the body's fight-or-flight emergency crew, sent out to prepare the body for an attack or an escape. These chemicals are also called into action when blood sugar is low. For example, after a blood-sugar spike (say, from eating a piece of birthday cake), there's a compensatory dive, which causes the body to release stress hormones such as adrenaline, epinephrine and cortisol. One of the main things these hormones do is raise blood sugar, providing the body with a quick energy boost. The problem is, these helpful hormones can make us feel anxious, irritable and shaky.
4.It overloads and damages your liver
The effects of too much sugar or fructose can be likened to the effects of alcohol. All the fructose you eat gets shuttled to the only organ that has the transporter for it: your liver. This severely taxes and overloads the organ, leading to potential liver damage.
5.It causes metabolic dysfunction
Eating too much sugar causes a barrage of symptoms known as classic metabolic syndrome. These include weight gain, abdominal obesity, decreased HDL and increased LDL, elevated blood sugar, elevated triglycerides, and high blood pressure.
But that's not all. It's also hidden in some beloved "treats" that people consume on a daily basis, such as sodas, fruit juices, candies, and ice cream. It also lurks in almost all processed foods, including breads, meats, and even your favorite condiments like Worcestershire sauce and ketchup.
It's none other than sugar. Most people view sugary foods as tasty, satisfying, and irresistible treats. But I believe that there are three words that can more accurately describe sugar: toxic, addicting, and deadly.
Sugar, in my opinion, is one of the most damaging substances that you can ingest – and what's terrifying about it is that it's just so abundant in our everyday diet. This intense addiction to sugar is becoming rampant, not just among adults, but in children as well.
Effects of Consuming Too Much Sugar
1. Sugar causes blood glucose to spike and plummet
Unstable blood sugar often leads to mood swings, fatigue, headaches and cravings for more sugar. Cravings set the stage for a cycle of addiction in which every new hit of sugar makes you feel better temporarily but, a few hours later, results in more cravings and hunger. On the flip side, those who avoid sugar often report having little or no cravings for sugary things and feeling emotionally balanced and energized.
2.Sugar interferes with immune function
Research on human subjects is scant, but animal studies have shown that sugar suppresses immune response5. More research is needed to understand the exact mechanisms; however, we do know that bacteria and yeast feed on sugar and that, when these organisms get out of balance in the body, infections and illness are more likely.
3.Sugar increases stress
When we're under stress, our stress hormone levels rise; these chemicals are the body's fight-or-flight emergency crew, sent out to prepare the body for an attack or an escape. These chemicals are also called into action when blood sugar is low. For example, after a blood-sugar spike (say, from eating a piece of birthday cake), there's a compensatory dive, which causes the body to release stress hormones such as adrenaline, epinephrine and cortisol. One of the main things these hormones do is raise blood sugar, providing the body with a quick energy boost. The problem is, these helpful hormones can make us feel anxious, irritable and shaky.
4.It overloads and damages your liver
The effects of too much sugar or fructose can be likened to the effects of alcohol. All the fructose you eat gets shuttled to the only organ that has the transporter for it: your liver. This severely taxes and overloads the organ, leading to potential liver damage.
5.It causes metabolic dysfunction
Eating too much sugar causes a barrage of symptoms known as classic metabolic syndrome. These include weight gain, abdominal obesity, decreased HDL and increased LDL, elevated blood sugar, elevated triglycerides, and high blood pressure.
Saturday, November 21, 2015
Want to lose weight? Here's what you should do before meals ...
Poor nutrition and irregular physical activity are among the main factors that lead to obesity ...
However, small changes in habits can greatly help to keep slim line, or access it. One of the powerful and proven tricks before each meal to drink a glass of water.
The results of scientific surveys conducted by experts have shown that people who before each orbok drink a glass of water during meals contain 13 percent fewer calories.
Simple tricks such as drinking a glass of water half an hour before a meal, which with a little effort will become a daily habit, can bring positive and lasting results.
However, small changes in habits can greatly help to keep slim line, or access it. One of the powerful and proven tricks before each meal to drink a glass of water.
The results of scientific surveys conducted by experts have shown that people who before each orbok drink a glass of water during meals contain 13 percent fewer calories.
Simple tricks such as drinking a glass of water half an hour before a meal, which with a little effort will become a daily habit, can bring positive and lasting results.
Two hands walnuts a day for a strong heart
Only two hands walnuts a day may help prevent heart disease, new research shows.
Walnuts reduce total cholesterol and also reduce the possibility of a heart attack. These fruits contain several types of important nutrients such as unsaturated fats, protein, vitamins and minerals, the researchers said.
Scientists have conducted a detailed review and meta-analysis of 61 controlled trials on the effectiveness of nuts.
The result shows that they lower bad cholesterol and ApoB, the primary protein found in this cholesterol.
They say that on daily basic we should consume at least two arms nuts for maximum effect.
In addition, the results showed that the best act of walnuts reduce the risk of heart disease in people who suffer from diabetes
Walnuts otherwise contain alpha-linolenic acid, a ridge version of omega 3 fatty acids and are rich in fiber and protein.
Walnuts reduce total cholesterol and also reduce the possibility of a heart attack. These fruits contain several types of important nutrients such as unsaturated fats, protein, vitamins and minerals, the researchers said.
Scientists have conducted a detailed review and meta-analysis of 61 controlled trials on the effectiveness of nuts.
The result shows that they lower bad cholesterol and ApoB, the primary protein found in this cholesterol.
They say that on daily basic we should consume at least two arms nuts for maximum effect.
In addition, the results showed that the best act of walnuts reduce the risk of heart disease in people who suffer from diabetes
Walnuts otherwise contain alpha-linolenic acid, a ridge version of omega 3 fatty acids and are rich in fiber and protein.
Friday, November 20, 2015
100% Natural Treatment for Chapped Lips
Colour red indeed looks sexy on lips, but redness accompanied by soreness and peeling is definitely embarrassing. Chapped lips not only make a person self-conscious, they hurt a lot too. The biggest problem with chapped lips is that unlike your skin problems you can not hide it with anything. Try to load your lips with products and they will look more prominent.
Chapped Lips are characterized by dry, cracked, flaky and sore lips that can affect people from time to time at any time of the year. Occasionally, Chapped Lips can be can be painful, embarrassing, and uncomfortable because they can interfere with many daily activities, such as smiling, eating and talking. Common signs and symptoms include dryness, redness, tenderness and sensitivity, cracking, splitting, peeling, and pain.
Minor lip dryness can be healed by simply removing the cause of the dryness or using some of the home remedies listed below. However, if dry lips are causing inflammation and bleeding, it is strongly recommended that you consult with your doctor immediately since it can lead to severe infection.
Natural Treatments for Chapped Lips
The nutritional characteristics of honey make it an amazing healing and anti-bacterial agent. Similarly, Vaseline is considered one of the best skin protectants. When these two items are combined, you have an effective home remedy for chapped lips:
Many people have found that Coconut Oil is a wonderful natural remedy for chapped lips. Simply apply a small amount of oil to the lips several times per day, particularly when the weather is cold and dry.
Lemon Juice
This home remedy will stop the aging of skin. It will help to nourish the sensitive skin on your lips, which results in softer and smoother lips.Mix together 1 teaspoon of cream or milk with 3 drops of lemon juice in a bowl.Put the bowl in the refrigerator for an hour, then take it out.Put the mixture on and around your lips before going to bed.If you do this for 3 days, you’ll get the best results.
Aloe Vera
As a natural moisturizer, aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties that help to heal the pain by soothing it. It also has hygroscopic properties that can moisturize your dry lips.Take a fresh aloe leaf and squeeze it to get the gel out.Then take a small amount of the gel and put it on your chapped lips.Leave it on until it dries and then wash it off.Repeat this process regularly to get relief from chapped lips.
Chapped Lips are characterized by dry, cracked, flaky and sore lips that can affect people from time to time at any time of the year. Occasionally, Chapped Lips can be can be painful, embarrassing, and uncomfortable because they can interfere with many daily activities, such as smiling, eating and talking. Common signs and symptoms include dryness, redness, tenderness and sensitivity, cracking, splitting, peeling, and pain.
Minor lip dryness can be healed by simply removing the cause of the dryness or using some of the home remedies listed below. However, if dry lips are causing inflammation and bleeding, it is strongly recommended that you consult with your doctor immediately since it can lead to severe infection.
Natural Treatments for Chapped Lips
The nutritional characteristics of honey make it an amazing healing and anti-bacterial agent. Similarly, Vaseline is considered one of the best skin protectants. When these two items are combined, you have an effective home remedy for chapped lips:
- Put some honey on your lips let it dry for a few seconds.
- Without moving your lips, apply some Vaseline on top of the lips.
- Leave the honey and Vaseline on your lips for 10-15 minutes.
- Finally, dip a Q-tip dip in hot water and use it to remove the honey and Vaseline in two strokes.
- Do this once a day for about 2-5 days to get rid of chapped lips.
Many people have found that Coconut Oil is a wonderful natural remedy for chapped lips. Simply apply a small amount of oil to the lips several times per day, particularly when the weather is cold and dry.
Lemon Juice
This home remedy will stop the aging of skin. It will help to nourish the sensitive skin on your lips, which results in softer and smoother lips.Mix together 1 teaspoon of cream or milk with 3 drops of lemon juice in a bowl.Put the bowl in the refrigerator for an hour, then take it out.Put the mixture on and around your lips before going to bed.If you do this for 3 days, you’ll get the best results.
Aloe Vera
As a natural moisturizer, aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties that help to heal the pain by soothing it. It also has hygroscopic properties that can moisturize your dry lips.Take a fresh aloe leaf and squeeze it to get the gel out.Then take a small amount of the gel and put it on your chapped lips.Leave it on until it dries and then wash it off.Repeat this process regularly to get relief from chapped lips.
Effective Remedies for Wrinkles
They are on your face, neck, hands or any other place due to your skin’s lost elasticity and moisture. There may be various reasons like aging, pollution, sun exposure, smoking, certain drugs, drastic weight loss or deficiency of certain nutrients or other components in your body. Various home remedies do come to your assistance to reverse the process of wrinkling.
Most Effective Home Remedies for Wrinkles
If you have recently noticed those fines lines on your face or have been struggling to get rid of them since long back, there are certain home remedies that can remove wrinkles more effectively than others. Here I will give you such natural remedies for wrinkles that will sure make you get rid of your ugly fine lines. The first of them is your food habits!
Wrinkles are visible on your ‘outer’ body but most of the times their cause lies ‘within’ your body. You must pamper your skin with various essential foods that keep your skin working to make collagen- the thing which grants elasticity to your skin. So, here are your food remedies for wrinkle less skin.
1.Drink Plenty of Water
Water is not food but I am including it in the category of diet because this is perhaps the most effective as well as most simple remedy for wrinkles. Water is one of the basic necessities of our body that we tend to ignore. Drinking water will not only avoid and treat wrinkles but will keep you healthy in general. Plenty of water keeps your skin hydrated. Remember, one of the reasons for wrinkle formation is loss of moisture! So, drink water, plenty of it.
2.Have Foods with Wrinkle Fighting Elements
And what are such elements of food? I’ll tell you. They are antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, trace minerals like selenium and copper, high-quality protein, plant compounds such as isoflavones, retinol- one of the forms of vitamin A, iron, vitamin E and C, mono-unsaturated fat etc. Here’s the list of foods from which you may get all these substances.
3.Sleep Sufficient and Sleep Right
You just need to know this- When you sleep, your body produces human growth hormone (HGH) which controls the growth of all body tissues including skin. You sure need new skin cells to fight off and prevent wrinkles and you also need to prevent any damage to your body tissues so that you do not get further wrinkles.
While sleeping enough is important, sleeping in the right posture too is important otherwise you may get wrinkles that are known as sleep lines. These lines are formed on the surface of your skin and do not go away even when you get up.
4.Don’t Stress
You need to get rid of your stress because it makes your skin thin and weak which cannot fight with the elements that produce wrinkles. Also when you frown or scowl, they only help to make your temporary facial lines permenanet. Do whatever will de-stress you. Here are some suggestions.
5.Don’t Smoke; Don’t Smoke Passively Too
Again a tough task for smokers. For non smokers too and for none of their mistakes. Smoke produces free radicals. Free radicals lead to body’s molecular instability which in turn weakens and kills body cells by damaging their membrane. Lack of elasticity in skin means wrinkles. So, if you smoke, stop smoking.
Most Effective Home Remedies for Wrinkles
If you have recently noticed those fines lines on your face or have been struggling to get rid of them since long back, there are certain home remedies that can remove wrinkles more effectively than others. Here I will give you such natural remedies for wrinkles that will sure make you get rid of your ugly fine lines. The first of them is your food habits!
Wrinkles are visible on your ‘outer’ body but most of the times their cause lies ‘within’ your body. You must pamper your skin with various essential foods that keep your skin working to make collagen- the thing which grants elasticity to your skin. So, here are your food remedies for wrinkle less skin.
1.Drink Plenty of Water
Water is not food but I am including it in the category of diet because this is perhaps the most effective as well as most simple remedy for wrinkles. Water is one of the basic necessities of our body that we tend to ignore. Drinking water will not only avoid and treat wrinkles but will keep you healthy in general. Plenty of water keeps your skin hydrated. Remember, one of the reasons for wrinkle formation is loss of moisture! So, drink water, plenty of it.
2.Have Foods with Wrinkle Fighting Elements
And what are such elements of food? I’ll tell you. They are antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, trace minerals like selenium and copper, high-quality protein, plant compounds such as isoflavones, retinol- one of the forms of vitamin A, iron, vitamin E and C, mono-unsaturated fat etc. Here’s the list of foods from which you may get all these substances.
- Green and white tea
- Dark colored fruits and vegetables
- Nuts like almonds, walnuts
- Legumes, beans and lentils
- Eggs
- Liver
- Fruits like papaya, avocado, pineapple, berries, watermelon
3.Sleep Sufficient and Sleep Right
You just need to know this- When you sleep, your body produces human growth hormone (HGH) which controls the growth of all body tissues including skin. You sure need new skin cells to fight off and prevent wrinkles and you also need to prevent any damage to your body tissues so that you do not get further wrinkles.
While sleeping enough is important, sleeping in the right posture too is important otherwise you may get wrinkles that are known as sleep lines. These lines are formed on the surface of your skin and do not go away even when you get up.
4.Don’t Stress
You need to get rid of your stress because it makes your skin thin and weak which cannot fight with the elements that produce wrinkles. Also when you frown or scowl, they only help to make your temporary facial lines permenanet. Do whatever will de-stress you. Here are some suggestions.
- Listen to music
- Learn something new
- Develop a hobby
- Exercise
5.Don’t Smoke; Don’t Smoke Passively Too
Again a tough task for smokers. For non smokers too and for none of their mistakes. Smoke produces free radicals. Free radicals lead to body’s molecular instability which in turn weakens and kills body cells by damaging their membrane. Lack of elasticity in skin means wrinkles. So, if you smoke, stop smoking.
The Highly Effective Natural Treatments for Sinus Infection
True misery is the pain and swelling caused by sinus inflammation. The bones around the nose, the eyes and the cheeks are lined with membranes that produce mucus, which function to warm and moisten inhaled air, plus to filter out any germs.
A sinus infection, or sinusitis, is an inflammation of the lining of the sinuses that often leads to persistent runny noses, headaches, fevers and facial pains.
Fortunately, the natural world provides us with many foods that are effective at cleaning the sinuses and killing the bacteria and viruses responsible for these issues. This articles contains a list of the best of these foods.
Almost all of the ancient healing systems of the world have venerated cayenne peppers as a powerful medicine, and for good reason: These fiery hot chilies are bursting with an active component called capsaicin that is proven to treat many medical issues, including sinus-related problems.
To use cayenne pepper to treat a sinus infection, take a small pinch of organic, non-irradiated cayenne powder and snort it up each nostril. Then, allow the sinuses to drain into a tissue or sink. If you cannot tolerate the unpleasant burning sensation that arises from snorting cayenne, you can dilute the powder with some water, apply the mixture to an ear swab and administer it that way.Adding some cayenne pepper to your meals or taking it as a supplement can help accelerate the healing process.
Apple cider vinegar
Like cayenne pepper, apple cider vinegar has a long history of use as a medicine and is well-equipped for treating sinus infections. Firstly, it is a natural antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and anti-inflammatory that can kill the destructive microorganisms that cause the infection. Secondly, it helps the body maintain a healthy alkaline pH level, which helps to break up mucus and discourage the proliferation of disease. Lastly, apple cider vinegar is a proven immunity booster, meaning it can help prevent sinus infections from occurring in the first place.
There are several ways to use apple cider vinegar to treat a sinus infection. The gentlest way is to mix one tablespoon of it into a cup of lukewarm water and drink the mixture regularly until the condition subsides. For a more aggressive approach, mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into a cup of warm water and snort one tablespoon's worth of the mixture though each nostril. Each time, allow the sinuses to drain down your throat and then spit into a tissue or sink.
Garlic is often considered to be nature's antibiotic and is known to treat countless medical conditions. Virtually all of garlic's significant health benefits stem from its dense concentration of allicin, an organic sulfur compound that is well-known for preventing and treating disease due to its considerable antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. This allicin content is what makes garlic so effective at treating sinusitis.
Unlike cayenne pepper and apple cider vinegar, garlic is far too potent to be snorted. Instead, it's a good idea to add some chopped or crushed garlic to your meals. It's also possible to make an inhaler out of garlic by soaking some garlic cloves in water for between 5 and 10 minutes, crushing them into a paste and then inhaling the fragrance until the sinuses are drained.
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Varicose veins... This type of food can prevent
Given the right combination of factors, even the most health-conscious person can get varicose veins. The condition may occur in almost any part of the body, but it’s most common in the lower extremities. It can be caused by anything that restricts circulation: pregnancy, obesity, and smoking, as well as sitting, standing, or crossing the legs at the knees for prolonged periods. Other contributing factors include genetics, a low-fiber diet, and a breakdown of capillary structure. Symptoms range from pain in the feet and ankles to swelling, skin ulcerations, and severe bleeding if the vein is injured.
Flavonoids: Circulation enhancers
Most herbal treaments for varicose veins include flavonoids, compounds that aid the circulatory system and strengthen capillaries. Flavonoids are pigments found in herbs and plants; they’re responsible for the intense colors you see in autumn leaves, brightly colored flowers, and dark colored fruits. Including more of them in your diet will help. Follow label instructions for herbal products or use a tablespoon or so of the bulk herb to make a tea.
Flavonoid-rich foods: cherries, rose hips, blackberries, apricots, buckwheat, bell peppers, onions, asparagus, brussels sprouts, apples, pears, and the thin inner layer of citrus rinds.
Flavonoid-rich herbs: hawthorn, ginkgo, German chamomile , calendula , and bilberry.
Choose Foods Containing Rutin to Strengthen your Veins
The best foods for varicose veins are those that contains rutin. Rutin is part of the large family of flavonoids. These plant pigments have multiple effects on the body, one of the most important being to reduce the fragility and permeability of capillaries, therefore reducing your risk of developing new varicose veins.Rutin has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, vasoprotective (protective of blood vessels) and antithrombotic (protection against blood clots) properties.
Eat More Fiber
Adding more fiber to your diet should not require any major change nor any supplement. The trick is to avoid the three white poisons and to replace them with their healthy equivalent.
The three white poisons are:
Simply replace white flour with whole wheat flour. The whole wheat flour contains all the vitamins, minerals, proteins and fiber that are naturally present in the grain. Replace white bread with 100% whole wheat bread. Do the same thing with pasta.
White rice can be replace with brown rice and wild rice. People who switch to brown rice instead of white see many health improvements, including lower blood pressure and lower risk of diabetes. It’s a simple change that can give major benefits.
The last poison is sugar. Instead of eating a sugary snack, eat a fruit. And instead of adding sugar to your breakfast or dessert, add some small fruits like blueberries. The boost of antioxidants will reinforce your veins. The extra fiber will help you lose weight by keeping you full longer. And the slow release of energy from the fruits will keep you active for longer hours.
Flavonoids: Circulation enhancers
Most herbal treaments for varicose veins include flavonoids, compounds that aid the circulatory system and strengthen capillaries. Flavonoids are pigments found in herbs and plants; they’re responsible for the intense colors you see in autumn leaves, brightly colored flowers, and dark colored fruits. Including more of them in your diet will help. Follow label instructions for herbal products or use a tablespoon or so of the bulk herb to make a tea.
Flavonoid-rich foods: cherries, rose hips, blackberries, apricots, buckwheat, bell peppers, onions, asparagus, brussels sprouts, apples, pears, and the thin inner layer of citrus rinds.
Flavonoid-rich herbs: hawthorn, ginkgo, German chamomile , calendula , and bilberry.
Choose Foods Containing Rutin to Strengthen your Veins
The best foods for varicose veins are those that contains rutin. Rutin is part of the large family of flavonoids. These plant pigments have multiple effects on the body, one of the most important being to reduce the fragility and permeability of capillaries, therefore reducing your risk of developing new varicose veins.Rutin has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, vasoprotective (protective of blood vessels) and antithrombotic (protection against blood clots) properties.
Eat More Fiber
Adding more fiber to your diet should not require any major change nor any supplement. The trick is to avoid the three white poisons and to replace them with their healthy equivalent.
The three white poisons are:
- white flour
- white rice
- sugar
Simply replace white flour with whole wheat flour. The whole wheat flour contains all the vitamins, minerals, proteins and fiber that are naturally present in the grain. Replace white bread with 100% whole wheat bread. Do the same thing with pasta.
White rice can be replace with brown rice and wild rice. People who switch to brown rice instead of white see many health improvements, including lower blood pressure and lower risk of diabetes. It’s a simple change that can give major benefits.
The last poison is sugar. Instead of eating a sugary snack, eat a fruit. And instead of adding sugar to your breakfast or dessert, add some small fruits like blueberries. The boost of antioxidants will reinforce your veins. The extra fiber will help you lose weight by keeping you full longer. And the slow release of energy from the fruits will keep you active for longer hours.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Which types of Foods are best for White Hair Remedies?
You should take the proper foods for white hair prevention. The daily intake of a balanced diet and leaving smoking habits will definitely help you in the prevention of white hair.
The lack of vitamin-B12 complex is the major reason for hair whitening as it increases the possibility for proper melanin pigmentation. So, try to take salmon, tuna, egg, beef, cheese and other nutrient types of foods which contain vitamin-B so much.
Remember that drinking alcohol, too much habituated with caffeine and smoking excessively will increase the possibility of premature white hair.
Top Foods for fighting against White Hair
Foods that are rich in copper, zinc, iron, vitamin b-complex, omega-3 fatty acid, folic acid and natural herbs help our body to fight against gray hair. Not only they just help prevent white hair from spreading, but also they are helpful to increase the healthy growth of both hair and scalp.
The top foods are given below for the avoidance of premature white hair:
Beef Liver
The foods which are full of zinc and copper will help to prevent white hair. Beef livers are full of copper and zinc and these will help to prevent premature white hair. So, you can eat beef liver for saving your hair, if you are not a patient of heart diseases and high cholesterol.
You can take ‘Reishi’ mushrooms for white hair remedies. This is one kind of mushrooms found in China which contain huge amounts of herbs.
The natural amount of herbs is really helpful as a white hair remedies and it has already proven its quality for white hair prevention in China.
Oysters are a naturally found element and contains large amounts of natural herbs that are really helpful to hair prevention.
If you do not get oysters directly, you can use oyster oil found in the market easily on your hair scalp. The mixture of oyster and natural coconut oil, really helpful for proper hair nourishment.
The deficiency of vitamin-B complex and specially B-12, copper, iodine and zinc are the main reasons behind white hair as these elements help in the proper production of melanin pigment.
The blueberries contain all the elements and therefore, it is so helpful to reduce white hair.
The huge amount of natural herbs found in nuts. If you want to get a good result for remedies of white hair, then mix almond oil, lemon juice and amla juice together and apply it on your scalp.
Sunflower seeds
The seeds of sun-flower fully contain vitamin-E, iron and zinc as well as vitamin-B6 also. This vitamin-B6 is really a crucial element for white hair prevention.
For getting better results, heat the sunflower oil and then mix it with nut pest before applying and wait to see the result that how quickly it helps you for getting back the black hair.
Salmon fish
Salmon fish provide one kind of fatty acid named omega-3 which is really beneficial for your scalp skin and hair growth. It also contains a huge amount of essential elements; like, protein, vitamin –B complex, minerals and other materials.
If you want to solve your hair problem, then eat salmon fish at least two times in a week.
Tuna Fish
Tuna fish is a good source of protein and omega-3 fatty acid. Tuna fish is known as an agency of fresh protein. It is already proven before that protein is really good for hair growth as well as for white hair prevention also.
The lack of vitamin-B12 complex is the major reason for hair whitening as it increases the possibility for proper melanin pigmentation. So, try to take salmon, tuna, egg, beef, cheese and other nutrient types of foods which contain vitamin-B so much.
Remember that drinking alcohol, too much habituated with caffeine and smoking excessively will increase the possibility of premature white hair.
Top Foods for fighting against White Hair
Foods that are rich in copper, zinc, iron, vitamin b-complex, omega-3 fatty acid, folic acid and natural herbs help our body to fight against gray hair. Not only they just help prevent white hair from spreading, but also they are helpful to increase the healthy growth of both hair and scalp.
The top foods are given below for the avoidance of premature white hair:
Beef Liver
The foods which are full of zinc and copper will help to prevent white hair. Beef livers are full of copper and zinc and these will help to prevent premature white hair. So, you can eat beef liver for saving your hair, if you are not a patient of heart diseases and high cholesterol.
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Reishi mushrooms |
You can take ‘Reishi’ mushrooms for white hair remedies. This is one kind of mushrooms found in China which contain huge amounts of herbs.
The natural amount of herbs is really helpful as a white hair remedies and it has already proven its quality for white hair prevention in China.
Oysters are a naturally found element and contains large amounts of natural herbs that are really helpful to hair prevention.
If you do not get oysters directly, you can use oyster oil found in the market easily on your hair scalp. The mixture of oyster and natural coconut oil, really helpful for proper hair nourishment.
The deficiency of vitamin-B complex and specially B-12, copper, iodine and zinc are the main reasons behind white hair as these elements help in the proper production of melanin pigment.
The blueberries contain all the elements and therefore, it is so helpful to reduce white hair.
The huge amount of natural herbs found in nuts. If you want to get a good result for remedies of white hair, then mix almond oil, lemon juice and amla juice together and apply it on your scalp.
Sunflower seeds
The seeds of sun-flower fully contain vitamin-E, iron and zinc as well as vitamin-B6 also. This vitamin-B6 is really a crucial element for white hair prevention.
For getting better results, heat the sunflower oil and then mix it with nut pest before applying and wait to see the result that how quickly it helps you for getting back the black hair.
Salmon fish
Salmon fish provide one kind of fatty acid named omega-3 which is really beneficial for your scalp skin and hair growth. It also contains a huge amount of essential elements; like, protein, vitamin –B complex, minerals and other materials.
If you want to solve your hair problem, then eat salmon fish at least two times in a week.
Tuna Fish
Tuna fish is a good source of protein and omega-3 fatty acid. Tuna fish is known as an agency of fresh protein. It is already proven before that protein is really good for hair growth as well as for white hair prevention also.
Foods to Avoid for Blood Type A Positive
Many medical professionals dispute the theory of a link between food, blood type and health, but the idea of a blood-type diet was popularized in the 1996 book “Eat Right 4 Your Type." In it author, argued that by eating foods most compatible with your blood type, you can lose weight, lessen chronic health conditions and help avoid certain diseases. The book lists foods that are good and bad for each of the four major blood types.
Blood Typing
There are four major types of blood—O, A, B and AB. Each of these types is further divided into positive or negative types. Your basic blood type is based on the presence or absence of antigens on the surface of red blood cells. These antigens—A and B--are substances that can trigger an immune response if they’re foreign to the body. Your Rh factor, whether your blood is positive or negative, is determined by a third antigen. Doctors says Rh factor isn’t significant in determining your diet plan. However, they says the antigens that determine your basic blood type have an effect on how you digest your food.
Type A Diet
If you have A-positive or A-negative blood, you follow the diet for type As on the blood type diet. Doctors says people with type A blood should follow a mostly vegetarian diet, because on the evolutionary scale, type A blood appeared about the time early man was moving to a more settled, agrarian lifestyle and eating a plant-based diet. They also says today’s type-A individuals are predisposed to heart disease, cancer and diabetes, so following a vegetarian diet with foods that are “fresh, pure and organic” is critical for their sensitive immune systems.
Foods to Avoid
Doctors says people of every blood type should avoid processed foods, but Type As have a number of other foods to avoid, too. He recommends people with type-A blood avoid meat, poultry, eggs and dairy products. If you like fish, it should be consumed in only limited amounts. Instead, D’Adamo recommends a diet high in vegetables, fruits, grains, beans, legumes, nuts and seeds. Along with the diet,they suggests type As engage in calming exercises, such as yoga and tai chi.
Although the blood type diet is not necessarily intended as a weight-loss plan, it is possible to lose weight by following the type A diet. However, some medical professionals cite a lack of scientific evidence proving this diet plan is any more effective than many others when it comes to weight loss. By cutting out high-calorie and high-fat foods, it’s possible to lose some weight initially. The problem for some people is sticking with a restrictive diet over time. There’s also a concern you can lose out on important vitamins and minerals when whole food groups are eliminated from the diet.
Blood Typing
There are four major types of blood—O, A, B and AB. Each of these types is further divided into positive or negative types. Your basic blood type is based on the presence or absence of antigens on the surface of red blood cells. These antigens—A and B--are substances that can trigger an immune response if they’re foreign to the body. Your Rh factor, whether your blood is positive or negative, is determined by a third antigen. Doctors says Rh factor isn’t significant in determining your diet plan. However, they says the antigens that determine your basic blood type have an effect on how you digest your food.
Type A Diet
If you have A-positive or A-negative blood, you follow the diet for type As on the blood type diet. Doctors says people with type A blood should follow a mostly vegetarian diet, because on the evolutionary scale, type A blood appeared about the time early man was moving to a more settled, agrarian lifestyle and eating a plant-based diet. They also says today’s type-A individuals are predisposed to heart disease, cancer and diabetes, so following a vegetarian diet with foods that are “fresh, pure and organic” is critical for their sensitive immune systems.
Foods to Avoid
Doctors says people of every blood type should avoid processed foods, but Type As have a number of other foods to avoid, too. He recommends people with type-A blood avoid meat, poultry, eggs and dairy products. If you like fish, it should be consumed in only limited amounts. Instead, D’Adamo recommends a diet high in vegetables, fruits, grains, beans, legumes, nuts and seeds. Along with the diet,they suggests type As engage in calming exercises, such as yoga and tai chi.
Although the blood type diet is not necessarily intended as a weight-loss plan, it is possible to lose weight by following the type A diet. However, some medical professionals cite a lack of scientific evidence proving this diet plan is any more effective than many others when it comes to weight loss. By cutting out high-calorie and high-fat foods, it’s possible to lose some weight initially. The problem for some people is sticking with a restrictive diet over time. There’s also a concern you can lose out on important vitamins and minerals when whole food groups are eliminated from the diet.
Monday, November 16, 2015
Make Wonders: One teaspoon of this spice daily melting faster weight of the gym
Winter is approaching, and with it the deposition kilograms. But if every day you eat just one teaspoon of this spice, you will not put on an ounce of fat.
Cumin is one of the oldest known spices that was used more than 5,000 years, and is now proven and that is very effective in the fight against excess weight.
Scientists from the University of Medical Sciences in Iran, conducted an interesting study. They formed two groups, each consisting of 44 women who have problems with obesity or overweight.
In the period of three months, one and the other group was prescribed menu by which it is supposed to bring 500 calories less per day. The first group of women at the time of eating three grams of cumin powder day, involved in a 140 grams of yogurt. Another group of women consumed the same amount of yogurt without the addition of caraway.
After three months, women in the first group, who consumed yoghurt with added cumin, have lost about 1-4 pounds more than women from the other groups. The research is even more impressive when you take into account the fact that the participants in the first group lost 14.64 percent more fat than those from other groups.
As significant changes in weight low of just one teaspoon of cumin in a day? This spice contains filosterole - a plant chemical known in that it prevents the retention of cholesterol in the body. Since this is the first study to prove that this spice helps with weight loss, scientists believe that this happens because metabolism.
Want to try the miraculous operation of nods to his weight? Because plain yogurt and not a good idea to consume this spice, there are many tasty ways you can take advantage of its benefits.
Cumin is one of the oldest known spices that was used more than 5,000 years, and is now proven and that is very effective in the fight against excess weight.
Scientists from the University of Medical Sciences in Iran, conducted an interesting study. They formed two groups, each consisting of 44 women who have problems with obesity or overweight.
In the period of three months, one and the other group was prescribed menu by which it is supposed to bring 500 calories less per day. The first group of women at the time of eating three grams of cumin powder day, involved in a 140 grams of yogurt. Another group of women consumed the same amount of yogurt without the addition of caraway.
After three months, women in the first group, who consumed yoghurt with added cumin, have lost about 1-4 pounds more than women from the other groups. The research is even more impressive when you take into account the fact that the participants in the first group lost 14.64 percent more fat than those from other groups.
As significant changes in weight low of just one teaspoon of cumin in a day? This spice contains filosterole - a plant chemical known in that it prevents the retention of cholesterol in the body. Since this is the first study to prove that this spice helps with weight loss, scientists believe that this happens because metabolism.
Want to try the miraculous operation of nods to his weight? Because plain yogurt and not a good idea to consume this spice, there are many tasty ways you can take advantage of its benefits.
The Health Benefits of Coconut Milk
Coconut milk is a creamy, rich liquid made from the meat of mature coconuts. It is a popular beverage in the Philippines, the Caribbean and anyplace where coconut trees are abundant. Coconut milk has the scent of a coconut and a slightly sweet taste. It is an excellent substitute for cow’s milk because it is easy to digest, simple to make and contains an
abundance of nutrients. You can drink it plain, use it for cooking or blend it with smoothies to benefit from its nutritional value.Coconuts – including coconut water and coconut milk – have recently risen in popularity due to a variety of health benefits. While coconut’s popularity in the U.S. is fairly new, many island populations around the world have been using the coconut in cooking, skin and hair care, and as a tool for maintaining healthy body weight and immune systems for years.
Because research has allowed for a better understanding of the benefits of coconut, many health conscious people are now incorporating it into their diets.
Vitamins and Minerals
Vitamins C, E and many B vitamins are abundant in coconut milk. Vitamins C and E help to boost the immune system, and B vitamins are responsible for providing energy to the cells. Coconut milk is also rich in magnesium, potassium, phosphorous and iron. Magnesium is responsible for many biochemical functions in the body, including regulating the heart’s rhythm and supporting the function of nerve cells. Potassium maintains the tissues of the heart, kidneys, brain and muscles. Phosphorus keeps teeth and bones strong, and iron creates red blood cells and carries oxygen throughout your body. Add coconut milk to your cereal and baked goods, or drink a glass or two each day to receive these benefits.
Coconut milk is rich in antioxidants, which prevents free radical damage. Free radicals are associated with the development of many diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease and age-related dementia. Antioxidants can help reverse previous damage and delay the aging process. Drink a glass of coconut milk while eating other antioxidant-rich foods, such as pecans, raisins and cranberries. Energy-producing snacks that are rich in antioxidants will boost your immunity while rebuilding the damaged cells in your body.
Beat effects of age and injury: Stronger Bones
Did not the word milk give the hint out already? Coconut milk is a boon for those who are dairy intolerant and have week bones. Why? It may not have as much calcium but it is a richer source of Phosphorus which is responsible for giving you stronger bones. It also helps alleviate arthritis symptoms as due to its antioxidant properties, it controls free radicals and decreases the risk of Joint inflammation.
Live Longer : Lowers Cholesterol
And this may come as a shocker but despite the high content of saturated fat in coconut milk, it still helps lower levels of cholesterol as compared to other dairy creams and butter. Coconut milk has lauric acid that boosts the good cholesterol or HDL in your body. Thus, coconut milk is one of the best forms of saturated fats as it is easy to break down for your body. It metabolizes to healthy forms like essential fatty acids including Omega 6.
Secret to the beach body: Aids Weight Loss
You might have steered clear of coconut milk fearing what the saturated fats will do to your body and the never satisfying business, but you’ll be presently surprised to know that the coconut milk does not add to your weight. On the contrary, you can rely on it for aiding weight loss since it is rich in fibre. It hence makes you feel fuller for longer and if taken in moderate quantities it can infact help you control weight or even lose it.
No more catching infection: Stronger Immune System
How long have you been wishing to not get so sick so soon? Take your daily dose of coconut milk and get a much stronger immune system. Coconut milk is rich in lauric acid, capric acid and antimicrobial lipids. These possess anti- bacterial, anti- fungal and anti viral properties. The lauric acid on being consumed by humans gets converted into monolaurin which is compound that helps fight the bacteria as well as viruses responsible for causing influenza, herpes and even HIV.
2 Minutes of Combing: Natural Hair Detangler
Coconut milk can also be used as a leave in conditioner for tangled hair. Rub a little coconut milk to your hair before combing and see the tangles getting more manageable. You would then comb right through with little or no hair left on your comb. Make sure however that you use the coconut milk in moderation as your hair might end up looking greasy otherwise.
abundance of nutrients. You can drink it plain, use it for cooking or blend it with smoothies to benefit from its nutritional value.Coconuts – including coconut water and coconut milk – have recently risen in popularity due to a variety of health benefits. While coconut’s popularity in the U.S. is fairly new, many island populations around the world have been using the coconut in cooking, skin and hair care, and as a tool for maintaining healthy body weight and immune systems for years.
Because research has allowed for a better understanding of the benefits of coconut, many health conscious people are now incorporating it into their diets.
Vitamins and Minerals
Vitamins C, E and many B vitamins are abundant in coconut milk. Vitamins C and E help to boost the immune system, and B vitamins are responsible for providing energy to the cells. Coconut milk is also rich in magnesium, potassium, phosphorous and iron. Magnesium is responsible for many biochemical functions in the body, including regulating the heart’s rhythm and supporting the function of nerve cells. Potassium maintains the tissues of the heart, kidneys, brain and muscles. Phosphorus keeps teeth and bones strong, and iron creates red blood cells and carries oxygen throughout your body. Add coconut milk to your cereal and baked goods, or drink a glass or two each day to receive these benefits.
Coconut milk is rich in antioxidants, which prevents free radical damage. Free radicals are associated with the development of many diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease and age-related dementia. Antioxidants can help reverse previous damage and delay the aging process. Drink a glass of coconut milk while eating other antioxidant-rich foods, such as pecans, raisins and cranberries. Energy-producing snacks that are rich in antioxidants will boost your immunity while rebuilding the damaged cells in your body.
Beat effects of age and injury: Stronger Bones
Did not the word milk give the hint out already? Coconut milk is a boon for those who are dairy intolerant and have week bones. Why? It may not have as much calcium but it is a richer source of Phosphorus which is responsible for giving you stronger bones. It also helps alleviate arthritis symptoms as due to its antioxidant properties, it controls free radicals and decreases the risk of Joint inflammation.
Live Longer : Lowers Cholesterol
And this may come as a shocker but despite the high content of saturated fat in coconut milk, it still helps lower levels of cholesterol as compared to other dairy creams and butter. Coconut milk has lauric acid that boosts the good cholesterol or HDL in your body. Thus, coconut milk is one of the best forms of saturated fats as it is easy to break down for your body. It metabolizes to healthy forms like essential fatty acids including Omega 6.
Secret to the beach body: Aids Weight Loss
You might have steered clear of coconut milk fearing what the saturated fats will do to your body and the never satisfying business, but you’ll be presently surprised to know that the coconut milk does not add to your weight. On the contrary, you can rely on it for aiding weight loss since it is rich in fibre. It hence makes you feel fuller for longer and if taken in moderate quantities it can infact help you control weight or even lose it.
No more catching infection: Stronger Immune System
How long have you been wishing to not get so sick so soon? Take your daily dose of coconut milk and get a much stronger immune system. Coconut milk is rich in lauric acid, capric acid and antimicrobial lipids. These possess anti- bacterial, anti- fungal and anti viral properties. The lauric acid on being consumed by humans gets converted into monolaurin which is compound that helps fight the bacteria as well as viruses responsible for causing influenza, herpes and even HIV.
2 Minutes of Combing: Natural Hair Detangler
Coconut milk can also be used as a leave in conditioner for tangled hair. Rub a little coconut milk to your hair before combing and see the tangles getting more manageable. You would then comb right through with little or no hair left on your comb. Make sure however that you use the coconut milk in moderation as your hair might end up looking greasy otherwise.
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