Friday, November 20, 2015

Effective Remedies for Wrinkles

They are on your face, neck, hands or any other place due to your skin’s lost elasticity and moisture. There may be various reasons like aging, pollution, sun exposure, smoking, certain drugs, drastic weight loss or deficiency of certain nutrients or other components in your body. Various home remedies do come to your assistance to reverse the process of wrinkling.

Most Effective Home Remedies for Wrinkles

If you have recently noticed those fines lines on your face or have been struggling to get rid of them since long back, there are certain home remedies that can remove wrinkles more effectively than others. Here I will give you such natural remedies for wrinkles that will sure make you get rid of your ugly fine lines. The first of them is your food habits!
Wrinkles are visible on your ‘outer’ body but most of the times their cause lies ‘within’ your body. You must pamper your skin with various essential foods that keep your skin working to make collagen- the thing which grants elasticity to your skin. So, here are your food remedies for wrinkle less skin.

1.Drink Plenty of Water

Water is not food but I am including it in the category of diet because this is perhaps the most effective as well as most simple remedy for wrinkles. Water is one of the basic necessities of our body that we tend to ignore. Drinking water will not only avoid and treat wrinkles but will keep you healthy in general. Plenty of water keeps your skin hydrated. Remember, one of the reasons for wrinkle formation is loss of moisture! So, drink water, plenty of it.

2.Have Foods with Wrinkle Fighting Elements

And what are such elements of food? I’ll tell you. They are antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, trace minerals like selenium and copper, high-quality protein, plant compounds such as isoflavones, retinol- one of the forms of vitamin A, iron, vitamin E and C, mono-unsaturated fat etc. Here’s the list of foods from which you may get all these substances.

  • Green and white tea
  • Dark colored fruits and vegetables
  • Nuts like almonds, walnuts
  • Legumes, beans and lentils
  • Eggs
  • Liver
  • Fruits like papaya, avocado, pineapple, berries, watermelon

3.Sleep Sufficient and Sleep Right

 You just need to know this- When you sleep, your body produces human growth hormone (HGH) which controls the growth of all body tissues including skin.  You sure need new skin cells to fight off and prevent wrinkles and you also need to prevent any damage to your body tissues so that you do not get further wrinkles.
While sleeping enough is important, sleeping in the right posture too is important otherwise you may get wrinkles that are known as sleep lines. These lines are formed on the surface of your skin and do not go away even when you get up.

4.Don’t Stress
 You need to get rid of your stress because it makes your skin thin and weak which cannot fight with the elements that produce wrinkles. Also when you frown or scowl, they only help to make your temporary facial lines permenanet. Do whatever will de-stress you. Here are some suggestions.

  • Listen to music
  • Learn something new
  • Develop a hobby
  • Exercise

5.Don’t Smoke; Don’t Smoke Passively Too

Again a tough task for smokers. For non smokers too and for none of their mistakes. Smoke produces free radicals. Free radicals lead to body’s molecular instability which in turn weakens and kills body cells by damaging their membrane. Lack of elasticity in skin means wrinkles. So, if you smoke, stop smoking.

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