Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Varicose veins... This type of food can prevent

Given the right combination of factors, even the most health-conscious person can get varicose veins. The condition may occur in almost any part of the body, but it’s most common in the lower extremities. It can be caused by anything that restricts circulation: pregnancy, obesity, and smoking, as well as sitting, standing, or crossing the legs at the knees for prolonged periods. Other contributing factors include genetics, a low-fiber diet, and a breakdown of capillary structure. Symptoms range from pain in the feet and ankles to swelling, skin ulcerations, and severe bleeding if the vein is injured.

Flavonoids: Circulation enhancers

Most herbal treaments for varicose veins include flavonoids, compounds that aid the circulatory system and strengthen capillaries. Flavonoids are pigments found in herbs and plants; they’re responsible for the intense colors you see in autumn leaves, brightly colored flowers, and dark colored fruits. ­Including more of them in your diet will help. Follow label instructions for herbal products or use a tablespoon or so of the bulk herb to make a tea.

Flavonoid-rich foods: cherries, rose hips, blackberries, apricots, buckwheat, bell peppers, onions, asparagus, brussels sprouts, apples, pears, and the thin inner layer of citrus rinds.

Flavonoid-rich herbs: hawthorn, ginkgo, German chamomile , ­calendula , and bilberry.

Choose Foods Containing Rutin to Strengthen your Veins

The best foods for varicose veins are those that contains rutin. Rutin is part of the large family of flavonoids. These plant pigments have multiple effects on the body, one of the most important being to reduce the fragility and permeability of capillaries, therefore reducing your risk of developing new varicose veins.Rutin has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, vasoprotective (protective of blood vessels) and antithrombotic (protection against blood clots) properties.

 Eat More Fiber

Adding more fiber to your diet should not require any major change nor any supplement. The trick is to avoid the three white poisons and to replace them with their healthy equivalent.
The three white poisons are:

  • white flour
  • white rice
  • sugar

Simply replace white flour with whole wheat flour. The whole wheat flour contains all the vitamins, minerals, proteins and fiber that are naturally present in the grain. Replace white bread with 100% whole wheat bread. Do the same thing with pasta.

White rice can be replace with brown rice and wild rice. People who switch to brown rice instead of white see many health improvements, including lower blood pressure and lower risk of diabetes. It’s a simple change that can give major benefits.

The last poison is sugar. Instead of eating a sugary snack, eat a fruit. And instead of adding sugar to your breakfast or dessert, add some small fruits like blueberries. The boost of antioxidants will reinforce your veins. The extra fiber will help you lose weight by keeping you full longer. And the slow release of energy from the fruits will keep you active for longer hours.

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