Friday, November 27, 2015

Silent Killer: Wi-Fi Killing You Or ...

“There are no safe levels of radiation.” 

Being able to connect your devices to the internet through a Wi-Fi connection has become a necessity to modern life however, more and more studies are citing the negative impact these signals have on our health.The experiment began as the students realized they had difficulty concentrating in school if they slept near their phones the previous night. The students then decided to test the effects of wi-fi radiation on plants.Six trays of Garden Cress or Lepidium Sativum seeds were placed in a room without radiation and six trays were placed in a room next to two wi-fi routers. Students calculated that the two wi-fi routers gave the same radiation levels as a cell phone.

For 12 days, the students  observed, measured, weighed and photographed the results of their seedlings.
They found that the seeds placed near the routers either hadn’t grown or were completely dead, while the seeds in the room with no routers were thriving.
Today, we are exposed to much more radiation than we were even 10 years ago and as more and more wireless gadgets make their way on to the market, our exposure to radiation is only set to grow.
Because wi-fi and cellular signals are relatively new there have been few studies conducted on the long term effects of wireless technology.

Radiation Health Effects

You may have read about a recent case that made the news: A physician noted members of her family experiencing sleep disturbances, heart palpitations, migraines, and general poor health, all starting in the same week.

These electromagnetic radiation based ill health effects continued on and on. After eliminating every other possible cause, she turned off the router and they felt better. Luckily, they were not in an area swamped with EMFs from wireless technologies from nearby homes. Needless to say, the family uses a hard-wired Internet connection and the health problems haven’t come back.

What to do about Wi-Fi Health Dangers

Because these EMFs are designed to flood entire homes and buildings, moving away from them is not an option. While they can be turned off when not in use, or replaced with hardwired connections, there are the neighboring signals to contend with.

SafeSpace products are designed to influence artificial EMFs, restoring coherence and balance to the fields around you by setting up a "corrective resonance." In other words, they alter the EMF, changing it from harmful to harmless.

The SafeSpace Solution for WIFI Health Effects from Routers

Understand what you're exposed to. Pay attention to the technologies you use in your home and office, and the technologies in use around you.
Use SafeSpace’s groundbreaking technologies to escape the side-effects of wireless devices.

Our products interact with—and influence—artificial EMFs, restoring coherence and balance to the fields around you by setting up a "corrective resonance." Result: the dangers of EMFs are neutralized, and the field is harmonized.

SafeSpace Solutions are:

  1. Fast and simple to use
  2. Affordable
  3. Proven effective in independent EMF laboratory studies.

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