Monday, November 16, 2015

The Health Benefits of Coconut Milk

Coconut milk is a creamy, rich liquid made from the meat of mature coconuts. It is a popular beverage in the Philippines, the Caribbean and anyplace where coconut trees are abundant. Coconut milk has the scent of a coconut and a slightly sweet taste. It is an excellent substitute for cow’s milk because it is easy to digest, simple to make and contains an
abundance of nutrients. You can drink it plain, use it for cooking or blend it with smoothies to benefit from its nutritional value.Coconuts – including coconut water and coconut milk – have recently risen in popularity due to a variety of health benefits. While coconut’s popularity in the U.S. is fairly new, many island populations around the world have been using the coconut in cooking, skin and hair care, and as a tool for maintaining healthy body weight and immune systems for years. 
Because research has allowed for a better understanding of the benefits of coconut, many health conscious people are now incorporating it into their diets.

Vitamins and Minerals
Vitamins C, E and many B vitamins are abundant in coconut milk. Vitamins C and E help to boost the immune system, and B vitamins are responsible for providing energy to the cells. Coconut milk is also rich in magnesium, potassium, phosphorous and iron. Magnesium is responsible for many biochemical functions in the body, including regulating the heart’s rhythm and supporting the function of nerve cells. Potassium maintains the tissues of the heart, kidneys, brain and muscles. Phosphorus keeps teeth and bones strong, and iron creates red blood cells and carries oxygen throughout your body. Add coconut milk to your cereal and baked goods, or drink a glass or two each day to receive these benefits.

Coconut milk is rich in antioxidants, which prevents free radical damage. Free radicals are associated with the development of many diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease and age-related dementia. Antioxidants can help reverse previous damage and delay the aging process. Drink a glass of coconut milk while eating other antioxidant-rich foods, such as pecans, raisins and cranberries. Energy-producing snacks that are rich in antioxidants will boost your immunity while rebuilding the damaged cells in your body.

Beat effects of age and injury: Stronger Bones

Did not the word milk give the hint out already? Coconut milk is a boon for those who are dairy intolerant and have week bones. Why? It may not have as much calcium but it is a richer source of Phosphorus which is responsible for giving you stronger bones. It also helps alleviate arthritis symptoms as due to its antioxidant properties, it controls free radicals and decreases the risk of Joint inflammation.

Live Longer : Lowers Cholesterol

And this may come as a shocker but despite the high content of saturated fat in coconut milk, it still helps lower levels of cholesterol as compared to other dairy creams and butter. Coconut milk has lauric acid that boosts the good cholesterol or HDL in your body. Thus, coconut milk is one of the best forms of saturated fats as it is easy to break down for your body. It metabolizes to healthy forms like essential fatty acids including Omega 6.

Secret to the beach body: Aids Weight Loss

You might have steered clear of coconut milk fearing what the saturated fats will do to your body and the never satisfying business, but you’ll be presently surprised to know that the coconut milk does not add to your weight. On the contrary, you can rely on it for aiding weight loss since it is rich in fibre. It hence makes you feel fuller for longer and if taken in moderate quantities it can infact help you control weight or even lose it.

No more catching infection: Stronger Immune System

How long have you been wishing to not get so sick so soon? Take your daily dose of coconut milk and get a much stronger immune system. Coconut milk is rich in lauric acid, capric acid and antimicrobial lipids. These possess anti- bacterial, anti- fungal and anti viral properties. The lauric acid on being consumed by humans gets converted into monolaurin which is compound that helps fight the bacteria as well as viruses responsible for causing influenza, herpes and even HIV.

2 Minutes of Combing: Natural Hair Detangler

Coconut milk can also be used as a leave in conditioner for tangled hair. Rub a little coconut milk to your hair before combing and see the tangles getting more manageable. You would then comb right through with little or no hair left on your comb. Make sure however that you use the coconut milk in moderation as your hair might end up looking greasy otherwise.

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