Monday, November 16, 2015

Make Wonders: One teaspoon of this spice daily melting faster weight of the gym

Winter is approaching, and with it the deposition kilograms. But if every day you eat just one teaspoon of this spice, you will not put on an ounce of fat.
Cumin is one of the oldest known spices that was used more than 5,000 years, and is now proven and that is very effective in the fight against excess weight.

Scientists from the University of Medical Sciences in Iran, conducted an interesting study. They formed two groups, each consisting of 44 women who have problems with obesity or overweight.

In the period of three months, one and the other group was prescribed menu by which it is supposed to bring 500 calories less per day. The first group of women at the time of eating three grams of cumin powder day, involved in a 140 grams of yogurt. Another group of women consumed the same amount of yogurt without the addition of caraway.

After three months, women in the first group, who consumed yoghurt with added cumin, have lost about 1-4 pounds more than women from the other groups. The research is even more impressive when you take into account the fact that the participants in the first group lost 14.64 percent more fat than those from other groups.

As significant changes in weight low of just one teaspoon of cumin in a day? This spice contains filosterole - a plant chemical known in that it prevents the retention of cholesterol in the body. Since this is the first study to prove that this spice helps with weight loss, scientists believe that this happens because metabolism.

Want to try the miraculous operation of nods to his weight? Because plain yogurt and not a good idea to consume this spice, there are many tasty ways you can take advantage of its benefits.

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