Sunday, November 8, 2015

Proven Ways to Stop Excessive Sweating

Sweating at the gym feels great. Sweating on a date or at the office? Not so much.While it’s perfectly normal to get drenched when pumping iron or even at a steamy summer barbecue, growing pit stains during a romantic dinner or sopping palms when shaking hands can be humiliating. And if you’re one of the 8 million Americans with a medical condition known as hyperhidrosis, you sweat four or five times more than normal. Try these six tips to get control of your sweating so you can stay dry for your next big date or presentation.
There are Numerous Ways to Stop Excessive Sweating?
That’s right. There are many ways to avoid excessive sweating, ranging from natural remedies and personal hygiene habits to medical prescriptions and treatments. Read on to discover some of the most efficient ones.

Watch What You Eat
Drink Sage Tea

Sage is one of the best natural remedies for treating excessive sweating. It has been used for centuries to treat night sweats and menopause-related hot flashes. It has powerful astringent compounds, which help reduce excessive perspiration.Drinking sage tea or taking sage capsules will normalize the activity of the sweat glands, as well as soothe your nervous system.
Avoid Spicy Foods and Caffeine

A strong coffee or a burrito doused in hot sauce might make your taste buds happy—but they could also stimulate your sweat glands in a not-so-comfortable way.
"Caffeine and spices can activate neurotransmitters, called acetylcholine, which are located in your brain,” says Kelley Redbord, MD, FAAD, a board-certified dermatologist in private practice in Vienna, VA and Associate Professor, George Washington University, “Anything that stimulates these neurotransmitters can sometimes affect the glands that cause sweating.”
Avoiding certain foods and eating the right ones can significantly help control excessive sweating.
Foods to avoid include spicy dishes, garlic, onions, processed and high-sugar foods, and foods with a high concentration of hydrogenated oil. These foods stimulate your sweat glands, causing excessive perspiration.The consumption of chemical toxins found in
processed foods can also trigger an increase in sweating as your body will try to eliminate these harmful substances through your sweat glands.Following a healthy diet filled with fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, and moderate amounts of lean meat, can instead help you as these foods make your body produce less sweat.
Avoid Hot Drinks and Drink Plenty of Water
  1. Drink a lot of water. Water helps regulate body temperature. When you are hydrated, your body temperature is low and you sweat less. You should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day and never allow yourself to get thirsty.
  2.  Hot drinks can considerably aggravate sweating. Reduce them or completely replace them with cold beverages.

Think Outside the Pits
The average person has two to four million sweat glands working as the body’s coolant system to protect it from overheating. “Your hands, feet, face, back, chest, and even groin have high concentrations of sweat glands,” says Dr. Glaser. Gliding or spraying antiperspirants on these areas can help keep you dry, but skip sensitive areas such as your face or private parts.
Drink Tomato Juice and Eat Grapes

Tomatoes and grapes are loaded with antioxidants, which help eliminate toxins that cause your body to sweat excessively. They also regulate your internal temperature and keep your body from overheating.For best results, drink one glass of fresh, pure tomato juice every day for one whole week, and then continue every other day.Grapes can also naturally cool down your body and thereby reduce sweat. You may either drink fresh grape juice or eat 10-15 grapes each day.
Eliminate Alcohol and Nicotine

They stimulate the release of adrenalin, which can lead to a great deal of sweating. They are also very toxic.
Use Antibacterial Soaps and Avoid Taking Hot Baths
  1.  Using good antibacterial soaps will help you remove bacteria and prevent unpleasant   body odor.
  2.  Take lukewarm baths or showers. It is true that hot water makes a shower more pleasant and helps eliminate toxins from the body, but it also increases the body temperature and causes excessive sweating.

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