Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Nordic diet... the Scandinavian secret

We are  already huge fans of their furniture and television crime dramas.
Now it seems we should also be embracing their Nordic diet.
Studies show that substituting foods from Scandinavian countries will improve our health. Typical menus from these northern European nations are rich in fish, nutritious berries, breads made from wholegrains and good oils.In Nordic countries imported food tends to be expensive so there is more emphasis on local, seasonal produce.


The key to the healthy Nordic diet is menus brimming with oily fish.

Salmon, mackerel and herring are full of Omega-3 fatty acids which protect against heart disease and help brain development.

These fish are also packed with vitamins and minerals.

In Nordic countries, fish is frequently eaten raw or cured (pickling and smoking) which retains all the goodness. Current guidance is to eat two portions of fish a week (2 x 140g), one of which should be oily. Most UK adults fall well short so we can learn from the Scandinavians who typically eat three times more. Here, even when we do eat fish, we are likely to deep fry it and serve it with chips.

Bridget says: "Salmon is plentiful year round and relatively cheap yet in the UK only about 30 per cent of us eat any oily fish, perhaps because of the smell or because we're not sure about cooking methods.

"There has been lots of debate about farmed versus wild salmon but one study shows that while farmed salmon had a higher fat content overall, the Omega-3 content of both was similar."


Rapeseed thrives in cooler climates and you are bound to have seen fields in the UK covered in this bright yellow crop. It's the main cooking oil in Nordic countries.

During the industrial revolution rapeseed oil was used to lubricate steam engines and considered too bitter to consume but milder versions have been developed. Rapeseed oil (also known as canola oil) has just six per cent unhealthy saturated fat content, compared with 14 per cent in olive oil and more than 50 per cent in butter.

It has higher levels of important healthy fatty acids than any other vegetable oil. Omega-3 aids blood circulation and brain development, Omega-6 promotes healthy skin, hair and nails and Omega-9 boosts heart health and blood sugar control. Rapeseed oil is also a good source of vitamin E. 

Bridget says: "Cutting down on saturated fats reduces the risk of heart disease so rapeseed oil is a good option.


All manner of berries thrive in cool climates and they have been described as nature's superfoods.

Berries such as cloudberries, lingonberries, bilberries, redcurrants and blueberries are all high in antioxidants, natural plant compounds which can protect against diseases such as heart disease, strokes and cancer. In Scandinavia berries are often added to fish and meat dishes, as well as eaten on their own and in desserts.
Redcurrants and blueberries are widely available in supermarkets here but other types of Nordic berries may be harder to find. Frozen, dried and canned versions are just as healthy.

Amber-coloured cloudberries, found in sub-Arctic Sweden and Norway, are prized for their musky taste but difficult to grow. Red lingonberries (also known as cowberries) are smaller and juicier than their distant cousin, the cranberry. They grow abundantly in Scandinavia. 

Bridget says: "Red and purple berries are especially rich in antioxidants. Berries are also generally bursting with vitamin C."

Scandinavians love open sandwiches made with bread containing wholegrains such as rye and spelt. Wholegrain means all three parts of the grain are used, including the fibre-rich outer layer and the nutrient-laden germ.

Bridget says: "In the UK we don't eat nearly enough wholegrains, which are packed with fibre for gut health, vitamins and minerals. It's much healthier to opt for breads containing these seeds rather than products made from refined flour.

"Populations that eat large amounts of rye have reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes and bowel cancer."

Some native Nordic animals, including reindeer and elk, might be a step too far for British palates but venison is widely available here from butchers.

Bridget says: "If you are choosing red meat, venison is a great option because it's particularly lean so is lower in calories and fat than beef or lamb. It's a source of lots of minerals, including iron, copper, zinc and selenium, which are all important for general health."

Cabbage and other brassica species such a kale and Brussels sprouts thrive in cold Nordic climates.

They have been found by scientists at the University of Oslo to contain some of the highest levels of antioxidants of any vegetable and are a good source of vitamin K which plays a role in blood clotting so that wounds heal. 

Research has shown that nitrates in beetroot can help lower blood pressure while betacyanin, the pigment that gives beetroot its intense colour, is also antioxidant. 

Bridget says: "Strong colours in vegetables such as beetroot and kale tend to indicate a rich nutrient content. Green leafy vegetables like cabbage and kale tend to be rich in vitamin C and folic acid, important for healthy blood and during pregnancy."

No smorgasbord (Scandinavian buffet) would be complete without a distinctive Nordic dish called gravad lax.

The name literally means “grave salmon” and refers to the medieval practice of curing raw fish by burying it in the sand above the high tide level.

Cold cured with a little sugar, salt and fresh dill, modern gravad lax is delicious served either as an appetiser or as a topping in an open sandwich.

Fresh dill, a herb used widely in Nordic cooking, helps bone health, aids digestion and is a natural anti-bacterial. In Sweden, where dill is known as “king of the herbs”, it is often mixed with cucumber to make a healthy salad.

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