Monday, November 2, 2015

Health Benefits of Cannabis Essential Oil

Some of the most important health benefits of cannabis oil include its ability to reduce stress and anxiety, improve the quality of sleep, boost appetite and optimize digestion, reduce pain, prevent certain cancers, strengthen heart health, and protect your skin, among others.

Health Benefits of Cannabis Essential Oil
Anxiety and Stress: One of the most popular and well known uses of cannabis essential oil is as a relief for stress and anxiety. The natural compounds found in cannabis essential oil, including the famed THC, which is what gives cannabis the distinction of a drug in many countries, are very good for releasing pleasure hormones and relaxing the mind, reducing stress and inducing a sense of calm and relaxation.Sleep Issues: For people who suffer from insomnia, constant anxiety during the nighttime hours, or simply struggle to get a sound, restful night of undisturbed sleep, cannabis essential oil works like a charm. By relaxing the body and mind, and inducing a lower energy level, it will be easier to get your heart rate down and clear your head before a long night of peaceful slumber.

Appetite Booster: It is well known that people who consume cannabis in other forms notice increased appetite, famously called “the munchies”. However, cannabis essential oil can help regulate your appetite and induce hunger, while also stimulating your digestive system to operate at a more regular level. This can help people who want to gain weight quickly, particularly after an extended illness or injury recovery.

Cancer Prevention: Although there is still some controversy over this, and a great deal of research still ongoing, early reports have shown that the active ingredients in cannabis essential oil can have preventative effects on cancer, and can also cause reduction in tumor size, thereby making it easier to effectively beat cancer for those patients already suffering from that tragic disease.

Skin Protection: The powerful components of cannabis essential oil are also used to protect the skin, and can be consumed both internally and applied externally to achieve this important side effect. It can stimulate the shedding of dead skin and faster re-growth of health, glowing skin. It also is known to prevent wrinkles and signs of aging, while also protecting against eczema and psoriasis.
Glaucoma: In terms of eye health, cannabis and cannabis essential oil have been linked to a reduction in glaucoma and a prevention of macular degeneration. Eye health is one of the major reasons why people turn to cannabis essential oil as they age.

Headaches and Migraines: Topically applying some cannabis essential oil at the temples or the spot of intensity for a migraine or headache can be an effective way to get relief. Many people turn to prescriptions for cannabis and cannabis oil due to its potent defense against crippling headaches and pain.

A Final Word of Warning:
 Although this list clearly shows that cannabis essential oil can be an effective remedy for many common health conditions, it is still a potent chemical substance extracted from a plant with psychotropic substances. Therefore, you should always be very careful of your use of such an essential oil, including the amount you use and the conditions under which you use it. Speak to a professional about mixing essential oils and present medications before adding any new elements into your health regimen.
“I mistakenly believed the Drug Enforcement Agency listed marijuana as a Schedule I substance because of sound scientific proof. They didn’t have the science to support that claim. It doesn’t have a high potential for abuse, and there are very legitimate medical applications. In fact, sometimes marijuana is the only thing that works.” -Dr. Sanjay Gupta

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