Saturday, November 21, 2015

Two hands walnuts a day for a strong heart

Only two hands walnuts a day may help prevent heart disease, new research shows.
Walnuts reduce total cholesterol and also reduce the possibility of a heart attack. These fruits contain several types of important nutrients such as unsaturated fats, protein, vitamins and minerals, the researchers said.

Scientists have conducted a detailed review and meta-analysis of 61 controlled trials on the effectiveness of nuts.
The result shows that they lower bad cholesterol and ApoB, the primary protein found in this cholesterol.

They say that on daily basic we should consume at least two arms nuts for maximum effect.
In addition, the results showed that the best act of walnuts reduce the risk of heart disease in people who suffer from diabetes
Walnuts otherwise contain alpha-linolenic acid, a ridge version of omega 3 fatty acids and are rich in fiber and protein.

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